The Clean Buildings Standard Encore Presentation

Join us on Wednesday, January 26th 10:30 am - 12 pm for a free virtual presentation!

The Clean Buildings Standard

Three paths, two options, one outcome.

The Clean Buildings Standard is one measure Washington State is taking to improve building operational efficiency. Propelling buildings to targeted energy use intensity (EUI) by building type and size, all commercial buildings over 50,000 SF will need to comply by 2028 (220,000 sf by 2026), and then maintain compliance or be subject to annual penalties.

UMC, Hargis Engineers, and the Northwest Energy Efficiency Council (NEEC) have joined forces to break down the Clean Buildings Standard’s options and implications so you can define a path forward that aligns with your portfolio. [AIA CEU HSW 1.5 Credit]

Wednesday, January 26th, 2022 | 10:30am-12:00pm

Clean Buildings Standard Compliance + Panel Discussion

Register Today

Walk away with...


An understanding of the three compliant paths of the Washington Clean Buildings Standard.


Defined energy use intensity (EUI) targets applicable to building functions.


An understanding of the basis for calculating EUI in multifunctional structures.


Identify phase in developing an energy management plan and future steps towards compliance.


Perspective on how the Clean Buildings Standard ties into trending 2021 state energy code


AIA CEU HSW 1.5 Credit